IT Qualifications

  • Able to assemble effective project teams to successfully seize IT and business opportunities.
  • Extensive business and technical experience in all aspects of IT.
  • Very strong background in all common business applications, processes, process flows, decision flows, programming and application support.
  • In-depth hands-on knowledge of software applications, most programming languages, financial and commercial requirements, and able to apply those skills to production, service and other business requirements.
  • Proven capable to effectively manage IT projects and teams of all sizes and complexity.
  • Excellent knowledge of systems security requirements and implementation issues and opportunities.
  • Capable of managing technical staff effectively to maximize productivity and focus on achieving required results.
  • Equipped with a strong background designing web-based applications
  • Outstanding IT diagnostic and prescriptive capabilities, ability to quickly recognize resolvable issues and achievable opportunities in other people’s design of complex hardware/software systems

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